Terms of Use

Effective Date: 1 May 2019

Thank you for visiting our website. Inhance Partners Pty Ltd (ABN 14 166 954 258) owns this website (“Site”). Your access to and use of the Site is subject to these Terms of Use which include the Site’s Privacy Policy (“Terms”).

By accessing and using this Site, you agree to these Terms. You should review these Terms carefully and immediately cease using our website if you do not agree to these Terms.

In these Terms, “Inhance Partners”, “us”, “we” and “our” means Inhance Partners Pty Ltd.

Right to change, modify or delete the Terms

We reserve the right to change, modify, add or delete portions of the Terms at any time, without prior notice.

Intellectual property rights and use of Site content

Unless otherwise indicated, we own or license from third parties all rights, title and interest (including copyright, designs, patents, trademarks and other intellectual property rights) in this Site and in all of the material (including all text, graphics, logos) made available on this website (“Content”).

Your use of this Site and use of and access to any Content does not grant or transfer any rights, title or interest to you in relation to this Site or the Content. However, we do grant you a licence to access the Site and view the Content on the terms and conditions set out in these Terms and, where applicable, as expressly authorised by us and/or our third-party licensors.

Unless otherwise indicated in the relevant Content, and on the condition that you comply with all of your obligations under these Terms, you are permitted to copy, print, and distribute (but not modify) the Content on this Site, provided that (i) such use is for informational, non-commercial purposes only, and (ii) any copy of the Content that you make must include the copyright, trademark and similar notices. 

We provide links to third-party websites. We have no responsibility for these third-party websites. References to third-party trademarks on this Site are for identification purposes only, and these Terms do not grant you any right to use these trademarks. 

Disclaimers and limitations of liability

This Site contains general information only, and we are not, by means of this Site, rendering professional advice or services. 

This Site is provided “as is”, and we make no express or implied representations or warranties regarding it. We expressly disclaim all implied warranties, including, without limitation, warranties of merchantability, title, fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement, compatibility, security, and accuracy.

Your use of this Site is at your own risk, and you assume full responsibility and risk of loss resulting from your usage. We are not liable to you or anyone else if interference with or damage to your computer systems occurs in connection with the use of this Site or a linked website.

To the maximum extent permitted by law, including the Australian Consumer Law, in no event shall we be liable for any direct and indirect loss, damage or expense – irrespective of the manner in which it occurs – which may be suffered due to your use of our Site and/or the information or materials contained on it, or as a result of the inaccessibility of this Site and/or the fact that certain information or materials contained on it are incorrect, incomplete or not up-to-date.

The above disclaimers and limitations of liability shall apply not only to us but also to our personnel.


You hereby agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Inhance Partners, its officers, directors, shareholders, employees (collectively, the "Inhance Partners Representatives") from and against any and all liability, losses, costs and expenses incurred by Inhance Partners or any Inhance Partners Representative in connection with any claim arising out of any use or alleged use by you of this Site or arising out of or in relation to any breach by you of the Terms, or the representations, warranties and covenants you made by agreeing to these Terms.

Jurisdiction and governing law

Your use of the Site and these Terms are governed by the law of Victoria and you submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts exercising jurisdiction in Victoria.