Cookie Policy

Effective Date: 1 May 2019

Inhance Partners Pty Ltd (“Inhance Partners”, “us”, “we” or “our”) is committed to being transparent about technologies we use to make the website (the “Site”) available for you to access and use.

Our Site uses cookies and similar technologies (“Cookies”), which are small files or pieces of text that are placed on your computer or mobile device when you browse websites.

This Cookie Policy explains how and why certain Cookies are placed on your device when you browse our Site. This Cookie Policy should be read together with our Privacy Policy.

By continuing to browse our Site, you agree to Cookies being placed, stored and accessed on your device as described in this Cookie Policy.

First-party Cookies

We do not use any Cookies to pass data to advertisers or for our marketing purposes. We do not track your browsing on our Site.

Squarespace hosts our Site. Squarespace uses Cookies to securely serve this Site to you, make it work as you would expect and remember your settings during and between visits. Squarespace places the following Cookies on your device when you access and use our Site:

  • “crumb” Cookie is placed for the duration of the session to prevent cross-site request forgery (CSRF) and is considered to be a functional Cookie;

  • “test” Cookie is placed for the duration of the session to investigate if the browser supports Cookies and prevents errors and is considered to be a functional Cookie;

  • “ss_cookieAllowed” Cookie is placed for 30 days to remember if a visitor acknowledged the cookie banner and is considered to be an analytics Cookie.

Please refer to the Squarespace privacy policy for more information.

Third-party Cookies

You can access and share pages on Linkedin and Twitter through links and share buttons on our Site. To enable this functionality, Linkedin and Twitter may place cookies on your device even when you do not click on any link or share button when you browse our Site. When you access pages containing Linkedin share button on our Site, Linkedin places 

  • “lidc” – functional, routing Cookie used with share buttons, one-day duration.

When you click on a link or share button, Linkedin may place additional Cookies. These include:

  • “bcookie” – targeting / advertising, browser ID Cookie, used with share buttons and ad tags, two years duration;

  • “bscookie” – targeting / advertising, secure browser ID Cookie, used with share buttons and ad tags, two years duration;

  • “fcookie” – session duration, use not defined by Linkedin;

  • “fid” – one-week duration, use not defined by Linkedin;

  • “JSESSIONID” – strictly necessary, used to maintain an anonymous user session by the server, session duration;

  • “lang” – functional, used to store language preferences, session duration;

  • “rtc” – two minutes duration, use not defined by Linkedin.

Linkedin may place additional Cookies after you sign in.

When you click on a Twitter share button, the following Cookies may be placed on your device:

  • “ct0” – six hours duration, use not defined by Twitter;

  • “external_referer”– one-week duration, use not defined by Twitter;

  • “guest_id” – targeting / advertising, used to identify and track the website visitor, two years duration;

  • “personalization_id”– targeting / advertising, carries out information about how the end user uses the website and any advertising that the end user may have seen before visiting the said website, two years duration;

  • “_twitter_sess”– functional, lets website visitors use Twitter-related features from within the web page they are visiting, session duration.

Twitter may place additional Cookies after you sign in.

Please refer to Linkedin and Twitter privacy and cookie policies for more information.

Refusing or withdrawing your consent to the use of Cookies

If you do not want Cookies to be placed, stored and accessed on your device, you can adjust the setting of your Internet browser to reject the placing of all or some Cookies and to alert you when a Cookie is placed on your device. Our Site should retain its functionality, or at least some of it when you block the Cookies. If you want to remove previously-stored Cookies, you can manually delete the Cookies at any time. You can find further information on how to manage Cookies at, for example,

Contact us

If you have any questions about our Cookie Policy, please contact us at